Entdecke die dekorativen handgefertigten Duftkerzen von Côté Bougie Marrakech mit edlen Düften aus Grasse. Das dekorative Design und die wunderbaren Duftnoten verleihen dem Zuhause ein sehr persönliches Wohlfühl-Ambiente.
COOKING WITH THE TANJINE In Morocco, the most important way of preparation is this Cooking with the tagine, a saucepan with a cone-shaped lid. In the tagine, stews, ragouts with meat or fish and vegetables are slowly cooked in their own juice. The secret of the cooking utensil, traditionally made of clay, is the conical lid. As the temperature rises, the steam rises in the lid, condenses there and falls back onto the food. In this way it retains its natural aromas, remains juicy and tasteful. That Aroma of dishes prepared with the tagine is indescribable. The composition of fresh vegetables, spices and herbs with high-quality olive oil works particularly well when the flavors of spicy and sweet are harmoniously...
Moroccan cooking with the tagine
This is probably the most important and original way of preparing it Cooking with the tagine, in which stews, ragouts as well as meat or fish with vegetables are slowly cooked in their own juice. The secret of the cooking utensil, traditionally made of clay, is the conical lid. As the temperature rises, the steam rises in the lid, condenses there and falls back onto the food. In this way it retains its natural aromas, remains juicy and tasteful.
Best scented candles and room fragrances from Marrakech
Decorative candles or room fragrances are a luxurious accessory in stylish home decor. Something special are the high-quality, decorative scented candles and room fragrances from Côté Bougie Marrakesh.
Hamimi develops products that are implemented with a fresh eye for design in traditional craftsmanship.
Daily life in Marrakech provides the inspiration for the brand's designs. Here the past seems to merge with the future and a new contemporary impression is combined in the jewelry or handbags by Hamimi.